Public Notices
The city no longer provides seasonal disconnects, this includes electricity, water and refuse.
08-05-2024 Public Accuracy Test Posting
2024 City Charter
Service Line Notice:
The City of Gilbert has completed and submitted a water service line materials inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health. The service line inventory is publicly available, and you can review the materials for your service line by visiting the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) at You may also contact the City of Gilbert at 218-748-2232 for more information. As of August 30, 2024, the City’s inventory contains 2 lead, 29 galvanized requiring replacement, 363 unknown material, and 479 non-lead service lines.
Licensing of Dogs & Cats
According to Gilbert’s Animal Control Ordinance, all dog and cat owners within the City are required to purchase an annual license for their pet. The annual license fee is $5 for each spayed or neutered animal and $10 for each animal that is not spayed or neutered. When licensing an animal, the owner must present […]
What not to Flush
What not to flush